The Town of Middleborough, MA (also known as Middleboro, MA) has been a client of Full Circle Technologies since 2016. Middleborough utilizes the Building and Health modules of PermitEyes Classic, and has recently made the addition of Dog Licensing, Selectmen, and Planning Board modules, and is in the process of upgrading to our new program, PermitEyes 20/20.
Middleborough is known historically for the production of shoes as the “shoe capital of the world,” but now Middleborough is better known for its cranberry bogs. General Tom Thumb and Lavinia Warren, two famous P.T. Barnum performers, summered in Middleborough in the early 20th century, and the Middleborough Historical Museum now hosts an extensive collection on the duo. The Robbins Museum of Archaeology features stone tools and artifacts dating back 12,000 years.